Ghost, basswood, 108x62x80mm
Boat, basswood, 35x160x150mm
Brachiosaurus, basswood, 85x78x34mm
Cat, basswood, 118x120x45mm
Chair, basswood, 95x50x53mm
Diamond, basswood, 27x32x32mm
Dried sardine, basswood, 24x150x55mm
Excavator, basswood, 63x100x36mm
Japanese house, basswood, 59x72x49mm
Moebius strip, basswood, 27x110x64mm
Shiitake, basswood, 42x55x55mm
Skull, basswood, 60x73x80mm
Tree, basswood, 98x80x95mm
Younger sister, basswood, 207x70x39mm
2014 hiromiyoshii roppongi, Tokyo, photo by Masaru Yanagiba

A Dog and Wooden Sculptures

2014, Installation, 14 wooden sculptures (basswood), high definition video 2min47sec. (loop)

"A Dog and Wooden Sculptures" is a collaboration work with their dog produced during their MuseumsQuartier residency.
In the project, they carve various shapes chosen randomly from an encyclopedia in wood by hand, and gave them to their dog as toys.
Destroyed, deconstructed or rather improved figures were installed together with the video of the dog playing with them innocently.


2014 hiromiyoshii roppongi, Tokyo

Asifakeil, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna